...for a little while at least. A 4 day week is now in the offing as we then have a 5 day weekend lined up with Pinse and 17 th of May next Monday and Tuesday. Again, the joys of flex!
Daaaadd..Do you HAVE to do that?
We had Astrid, Kjetil and Mabel join us for a hit and run visit down from Lillehammer, most unexpected and most appreciated. Another chance for us to try and conceal the silverfish and make the house presentable for guests. I'll have a couple of pix up in a day or two, once I get motivated to download them from the camera, which is currently jammed with photos.
We had our first official BBQ event down on the local beach, even though warm clothing was still
de rigueur on the day. A few hotdogs, some banana muffins and hot chocolate to warm things up a bit and it was almost enough to be a convincing imitation of summer. Apart from that icy wind that kept blowing in.
Sunday was Rannveigs' and LCs' Babysong finale in town. The Salvation Army run a series of Babysong classes once a week so that new mothers spend some time playing with their bub and singing all sorts of baby friendly songs to them. Given that it was run by the Salvos, the finale was more duty than anything else as they spent an inordinate amount of time bashing on about what a great guy Jesus is. Anyway, it went well enough.
Rannveig was dissatisfied with the carrot cake she made for the event. She thought the recipe made it too sweet and I have to agree with her. The folks there seemed to like it well enough, but they probably haven't been to able to sleep since eating it. God help them if any of their children got hold of a piece.