Yeah, well things happen at this end. At the moment I'm stuck at home dealing the remains of pneumonia and bronchitis, so I finally have some time to give you some updates. The big thing at the moment is the weather. We have been dealing with truck loads of snow which resulted in my aforementioned case of pneumonia because I was outside shovelling the white crap all day for days on end. It turned a perfectly harmless cold into a three week long sick leave, torn rib muscles from coughing like I have TB and drugged off my face with cough suppressants.
Why light sabres should be stored in a lockable cupboard

Rannveig is in her last two months before number two makes his appearance. Yes, it's a he, name to be announced pending final agreement. We have one in mind but we have to get approval from a certain furry person before we can lock it in.
So, what's the gossip for the last few months? Work has been going very well, but exceptionally busy, hence the lack of updates since October. I was swamped going into the end of last semester up to Christmas, so the blog got put on ice. When I came back to work all ready to restart with the updates I got attacked by about 20 students and 5 teachers at the same time demanding a variety of things and services and it simply hasn't let up since. A large scale facelift for the online newpaper ( journalen.hio.no ) new software installs, a full system update, the radio teacher falling ill and me having to hold the hand of the replacement for 7 weeks, then the TV teacher having a heart attack and me having to cover all the technical instruction and support... it's been busy. Then I fall to the curse and get sick myself.
This however did not stop people from complaining of course. Took quite a few days to convince certain people that they would have to survive without me and to stop ringing me at home and flooding my email with cries for help. One even mentioned that it was terrible I was sick (sounds thoughtful) but in the very same sentence said it was awful because it put her into a difficult position at work ( ie. she would have to actually have to figure out how to use the program she was supposed to have become an expert in using during the last 18 months by herself instead of dumping it off onto me ). It's warming to know that people care ;)
Long driveway... baaaad.

Rannveig, brave stick she is, puts up with my moaning and general wussy-ness with admirable stoicism. She just had her birthday a couple of days ago and it must have been the most disappointing birthday ever. Drugged up husband at home, no nice dinner, no present (stuck at home for two weeks by this time) no nothing. About the only thing I could offer was to bathe. Guess I'll have to do something about some diamonds some day soon.
We are about to go through a serious round of budgeting here in order to finance the latest addition to the family... no not the new baby, the new car, silly! We are about to put down the money on a shiny new Skoda Octavia station wagon (50 grand in Oz pesos) as we simply don't have enough wiggle room in the Peugeot 206 for two bubs, two adults, strollers and sundry crap required to make a quick dash to the supermarket with the family. Pictures to follow when we take delivery of this rather flash bit of automotive kit.
Home remodelling plans are on hold at the moment. Quotes from builders have been particularly disappointing, as in they are at least double what they should have been. I know this is Norway, but puh-leez! There has to be a limit to how much they can charge and honestly believe that it still falls within the realm of the vaguely realistic! Not just think of a number and then add 6 zeros to it!
So, we are back on track with our first blog entry. Your feedback is as always welcome and desired. I'll send you all links when updates are ready.