Yet another baby picture...?
...but she does look awfully cute in her snow gear.Yes, job stuff. Today I got the rather disappointing news that I have been placed third on the candidate list to fill
my position at
HiO on a permanent basis. Third. Not first, not second, but
third. Seems I am up against some
very highly qualified opponents and practical experience does not seem to have been taken into the equation.
So what does that mean in real terms? The first two candidates will be offered my current position and if one of them accepts, then I am out the door. Having created the position from scratch and getting good feedback from people during the last six months, this is
not good news. Once again, time to pull out the friggin' CV. There is still a vague chance that I might still pull it off
(should the other two knock back the positition), but realistically, I'm probably back in the job market come June.
There are some jobs going over at
Opera who make one of the best web browsers out there and they really need folks with English skills at native level, so I'll probably give them a go.
Onto more cheerful matters, people are starting to use the comments function! Hurrah! Just make sure to use "Other" instead of "Blogger" or "Anonymous" when you write your comments. Now if the rest of you will just get aboard with comments, we can get a conversation going here.
Oh yes, an
important safety tip:
Do not send email to Lyndals insession address. She will be cross. I haven't been punched out online for a while, but she did the business on me ;)