The deed is done and I've got my hot new CV off to the folks at Opera. I had a word to their Personnel person this morning and the positions are vacant until they find someone who can actually fill them. I had forgotten that people still fill jobs that way! No cut off dates, no artificial waiting periods, just first in (who is qualified), best dressed.
They look like a very interesting company to work for. 28 nationalities and more than half of their 200 staff are not from Norway, meaning the corporate language of choice is English. Bliss!
The weekend beckons and the evil deed will be done tomorrow morning. Oskar will be moving out for an extended holiday from Rannveig. He was at the vet this morning getting squeezed, poked and his teeth cleaned, so he will be in great mood when I get home tonight.
Speaking of commuting, being on the train 90 minutes each way, every day has revived my pleasure in reading. It has been literally years since I've had the chance to read anything but technical manuals. I've probably read more books in the last few months than I have in the last seven or eight years. This is not a bad thing, especially as we have a backlog of quality, unread books at home for me to wade through.
My current recommendations:
The Time Travellers Wife by Audrey Niffenegger (yes, that really is her name) is an absolute cracker of a read. Great romance with a very bizarre back story. Money back guarantee on this one if you don't love it!
Girl with a Pearl Earring by Tracey Chevalier. Alright, so I am the last person in the western world to have read it! Doesn't stop me from recommending it. Beautiful, spare prose that fits the mood to perfection.
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by you know who (Rowling silly, not Volde... sorry). Hands down best of the Potter books. Worth the read if just for the Quidditch World Cup mascot brawl.
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