San Carlos

Saturday, May 21, 2005

The red room

3 of the 4 Kittilsen siblings hard at it

I thought I might just gradually share out some pictures from our trip over the next few days. Guro (sleeping) Helge and Rannveig make up 3 of the 4 Kittilsen siblings and are seen here enjoying a rare moment of peace and quiet. This is the "fancy" room at Ringebu, painted in what are considered very traditional colours for the style of house. Maria is keeping LC entertained as usual.

LC dolled up for 17th May

Rannveig had a fine time dressing up her baby doll for 17th of May. The bonnet was particularly dressy. Personally, I think the flashy dummy had just the right amount of post modern savoir fare to give LC an even sharper look.

Friday, May 20, 2005

Back from the mountains at last

Linnea Clare plys her charms on gran

The rush of the May holidays are over. We had a great time in Ringebu and Lillehammer visiting, watching the parade and eating and drinking more than we should. Thanks to Astrid, Kjetil, Joe, Kirsti & family and of course Rannveigs mum for making it such a good time. Those of you expecting pictures of me in my monkeysuit will be again disappointed. Seeing as I was taking most of the photos, it's difficult to get myself in there. I've also noticed that we have thusfar failed to manage a simple family portrait of ourselves.

The fun one can have with a pillow

Another milestone for us was that LC took her first extended trip away from her regular cafes and watering holes here in Tønsberg, by trekking up to the hills with us. Good as gold for the most part, but she was high as a kite coming home and refused to sleep for all but the last hour of the 3 1\2 hours it took to drive back. Another less savoury milestone is that she finally seems to have discovered the joy of bowel movements and is making up for lost time. The price you pay for solid foods.

National day 17th of May, Lillehammer

For those of you not up on the Norwegian celebration of their national day, it might well be unique in the world of jingoistic celebrations. It's defining feature is that the big parade has lots of local marching bands but the participants are school children. No army, no floats, no air force flyovers. Just normal kids waving their flags and for a bit of extra colour, the graduating year of high school students called Russ who have an extended muck up day of close to a month, with 17th of May being the high point. Then they go have their exams. Yee haah!

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

So where are the updates?

Well, like I said earlier, we've been away to the mighty mountains of Oppland during the Pinse - 17th May holiday. This has put a crimp in the daily updates. I've got plenty of photos to put up as well as some new "the way we were" in the next couple of days.

Keep looking in. New content is on the way.