Nearly forgot, GO YOU MAGPIES/TIGERS!!! Stomp those Brisbane scum Sunday. The ghost of big Dallas Donnelly will be out there, burping and farting with you, fellas!
After living long enough to see the Sydney Kings become the dominant force in the basketball, I’ll believe anything!
Friday, September 16, 2005
Please note the shirt...
...which says "My little kitten"

This should please the variety of cat-o-philes who visit the blog. Judy and Astrid I was thinking of in particular. Myself, I just like the Japanese touch in it.
So where were we? Right, no meaningful communications for nearly a month and half. Well, my news might as well head up the list for today.
It turns 44
The evil day sprang upon me a few weeks back. I tried to keep it all as low key as possible but Rannveig still managed to rustle up some friends to mark the occassion. I should also point out that I finally got to eat the fruit cake that she made for me some months back as part of her project with David and Solveig's wedding cake.
I scored a Billabong top from Mum and Dad (courtesy of the magic of seconds sales in Wollongong...all hail the King and Queen of south coast discount shopping) 500kr in book vouchers from Rannveig for my commuting + an intricate handmade bookmark with pictures of you know who laminated onto it.
Seeing as I managed to get some money up from performing emergency surgery on my former employers website over the holidays, I got myself a prezzie, in the form of a shiny little Creative Zen Touch 20 gig MP3 player for half the price of an iPod. Better sound and a 24 hour battery time to boot. I still so like new toys.
It's proven to be useful lately, as there have been some pretty exciting delays on the train as the leftovers of some tropical hurricanes have been sweeping over us during the last week. Tuesday we actually had to climb out of the carriages between stations and get picked up by an emergency train to get us out when the power on our line was cut. I was thinking the entire time that there must have been one or two American lawyers on the train heading out to the airport (same train, you see) salivating at the thought of damages if anyone got hurt in any way. But no one did. That I know of at any rate. Jeez, that neck of mine is twinging a bit...

This should please the variety of cat-o-philes who visit the blog. Judy and Astrid I was thinking of in particular. Myself, I just like the Japanese touch in it.
So where were we? Right, no meaningful communications for nearly a month and half. Well, my news might as well head up the list for today.
It turns 44
The evil day sprang upon me a few weeks back. I tried to keep it all as low key as possible but Rannveig still managed to rustle up some friends to mark the occassion. I should also point out that I finally got to eat the fruit cake that she made for me some months back as part of her project with David and Solveig's wedding cake.
I scored a Billabong top from Mum and Dad (courtesy of the magic of seconds sales in Wollongong...all hail the King and Queen of south coast discount shopping) 500kr in book vouchers from Rannveig for my commuting + an intricate handmade bookmark with pictures of you know who laminated onto it.
Seeing as I managed to get some money up from performing emergency surgery on my former employers website over the holidays, I got myself a prezzie, in the form of a shiny little Creative Zen Touch 20 gig MP3 player for half the price of an iPod. Better sound and a 24 hour battery time to boot. I still so like new toys.
It's proven to be useful lately, as there have been some pretty exciting delays on the train as the leftovers of some tropical hurricanes have been sweeping over us during the last week. Tuesday we actually had to climb out of the carriages between stations and get picked up by an emergency train to get us out when the power on our line was cut. I was thinking the entire time that there must have been one or two American lawyers on the train heading out to the airport (same train, you see) salivating at the thought of damages if anyone got hurt in any way. But no one did. That I know of at any rate. Jeez, that neck of mine is twinging a bit...
Keith Garret Memorial humour
Click on the picture to be offended

Keith isn't dead or anything like that. It is just that when I saw this one, my mind immediately leapt back to those balmly days at Tax in the IT section and Keith's refined sense of humour resulting from years of development via reading "The Picture" magazine. (For our American cousins, "The Picture" is what you would get if you mixed together equal parts "Hustler" and "the National Enquirer").
Ladies: It's all just in fun, right?
Gentlemen: Don't laugh too much if the women are around.

Keith isn't dead or anything like that. It is just that when I saw this one, my mind immediately leapt back to those balmly days at Tax in the IT section and Keith's refined sense of humour resulting from years of development via reading "The Picture" magazine. (For our American cousins, "The Picture" is what you would get if you mixed together equal parts "Hustler" and "the National Enquirer").
Ladies: It's all just in fun, right?
Gentlemen: Don't laugh too much if the women are around.
Thursday, September 15, 2005
Finally back on the blog!
Linnea now has extra teeth

Good God, has it really been that long?
Well a lot has happened in the last couple of months, so I won’t try and jam it all in one posting. I’ll just have to drip feed you all for a while whilst I catch up.
Yes, summer holidays are over and I would have been back in the blog saddle a lot earlier if it hadn’t been for the unnecessary excitement caused by a lightning strike a few days before I came back to work. My first day back, I was looking forward to easing my way into things after such an extended summer break and parental leave, but no, instead I get courses beginning the very next day and photo laboratory with 9 out of 12 PC’s in smoking ruins. This was just for starters…
In any case, it’s good to be able to complain about having a job in the first place after the extended drama that was my application and wait for confirmation. So I won’t whinge too much. Let’s just say I haven’t been living up to the public servant image for quite a few weeks with hardly a moment to spare. I’ll relive the details another day when I can look back at it and laugh.
Events that will be covered in upcoming blogs:
All this and so much more coming over the next few days! Make sure that you all check in every couple of days for the latest updates.

Good God, has it really been that long?
Well a lot has happened in the last couple of months, so I won’t try and jam it all in one posting. I’ll just have to drip feed you all for a while whilst I catch up.
Yes, summer holidays are over and I would have been back in the blog saddle a lot earlier if it hadn’t been for the unnecessary excitement caused by a lightning strike a few days before I came back to work. My first day back, I was looking forward to easing my way into things after such an extended summer break and parental leave, but no, instead I get courses beginning the very next day and photo laboratory with 9 out of 12 PC’s in smoking ruins. This was just for starters…
In any case, it’s good to be able to complain about having a job in the first place after the extended drama that was my application and wait for confirmation. So I won’t whinge too much. Let’s just say I haven’t been living up to the public servant image for quite a few weeks with hardly a moment to spare. I’ll relive the details another day when I can look back at it and laugh.
Events that will be covered in upcoming blogs:
- Ashley turns 44. Iccky. (
- Linnea approaches 1 year
- Rannveig returns to work (and lives to tell the tale)
- The government in Norway gets the boot to be replaced by…more politicians
All this and so much more coming over the next few days! Make sure that you all check in every couple of days for the latest updates.
Baby news (Yes, you have to read it)
In the space of a couple of months the precious has acquired a mouthful of teeth, the ability to self propel, to pull herself into upright positions (usually against dangerous and or unstable objects), has discovered that a bath is just the best thing ever, begun day care, discovered that a sandpit is nearly the best thing ever and has uttered her first comprehensible word apart from Mama.
So what was that momemtous first word? Pappa? Da-da? Antidisestablishmentarianism?
Try “Puss” and you would be right. Oskar casts a veeeeeerrry long shadow.
Pretty puss Oskar has returned to his Munkebakken digs in town after his summer vacation by the sea with us. He had a good time by all reports and has settled happily back to his urban routine of eating and sleeping. Which sounds pretty good.
So anyway, Linnea is in day care these days and has nice arrangement with only a few other tots and a very friendly furry pussy cat and a dog. So she is getting plenty of animal exposure but it would be nice if she could at least make an effort with the Da da thing.
Linnea in day care

Seeing as she now has the ability to move around, she has taken to redecorating anything that she can get her mitts on. The DVD collection in particular has taken a hammering as she violently disagrees with my filing system. The pleasures of my system will be made apparant to her in a year or two, but in the meantime I will be indulgent and let her fool herself that filing everything under "F" for floor is a viable solution.
Her first birthday is rapidly approaching, 7th October being only a few weeks away. Hard to believe that a year has already gone by, but then again with the amount of work and sleeping we have been dealing with, hardly too surpisng.
So what was that momemtous first word? Pappa? Da-da? Antidisestablishmentarianism?
Try “Puss” and you would be right. Oskar casts a veeeeeerrry long shadow.
Pretty puss Oskar has returned to his Munkebakken digs in town after his summer vacation by the sea with us. He had a good time by all reports and has settled happily back to his urban routine of eating and sleeping. Which sounds pretty good.
So anyway, Linnea is in day care these days and has nice arrangement with only a few other tots and a very friendly furry pussy cat and a dog. So she is getting plenty of animal exposure but it would be nice if she could at least make an effort with the Da da thing.
Linnea in day care

Seeing as she now has the ability to move around, she has taken to redecorating anything that she can get her mitts on. The DVD collection in particular has taken a hammering as she violently disagrees with my filing system. The pleasures of my system will be made apparant to her in a year or two, but in the meantime I will be indulgent and let her fool herself that filing everything under "F" for floor is a viable solution.
Her first birthday is rapidly approaching, 7th October being only a few weeks away. Hard to believe that a year has already gone by, but then again with the amount of work and sleeping we have been dealing with, hardly too surpisng.
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