So what was that momemtous first word? Pappa? Da-da? Antidisestablishmentarianism?
Try “Puss” and you would be right. Oskar casts a veeeeeerrry long shadow.
Pretty puss Oskar has returned to his Munkebakken digs in town after his summer vacation by the sea with us. He had a good time by all reports and has settled happily back to his urban routine of eating and sleeping. Which sounds pretty good.
So anyway, Linnea is in day care these days and has nice arrangement with only a few other tots and a very friendly furry pussy cat and a dog. So she is getting plenty of animal exposure but it would be nice if she could at least make an effort with the Da da thing.
Linnea in day care

Seeing as she now has the ability to move around, she has taken to redecorating anything that she can get her mitts on. The DVD collection in particular has taken a hammering as she violently disagrees with my filing system. The pleasures of my system will be made apparant to her in a year or two, but in the meantime I will be indulgent and let her fool herself that filing everything under "F" for floor is a viable solution.
Her first birthday is rapidly approaching, 7th October being only a few weeks away. Hard to believe that a year has already gone by, but then again with the amount of work and sleeping we have been dealing with, hardly too surpisng.
1 comment:
Ashley, as you would imagine I had to laugh at Linnea's vocabulary choice. Dont worry, feel like Ross as second fiddle to the furries.
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