The response to the blog has been gratifying. Comments, emails and contacts re-established from friends and family from all over the world. Given the busy schedules most of us seem to be bound by, I'll do my best to keep the momentum rolling. Highlights from the week have included:
2009 Phoqaawii reunion
Arnosts' plan for a 2009 Phoqaawii reunion on Heron Island sounds pretty damn good to me! Finances permitting of course. Kim commented that only Arnost would plan 4 years in advance. I assume she meant that as a compliment ;)
Inflation adjustments for ranting
Martin Doherty offered his own unique tangent on ranting. Take a look at his comments at the bottom of the Rant on Ranting.
Three dumb monkeys...
...a picture that struck a chord with the subjects! I've placed a full sized photo lab quality JPG for download. It's a 1.2 meg download and can be found here for the next couple of weeks. If any of the pics you've seen are "must haves", just drop me a line and I'll organise a proper quality version for you.
Ashley saved from a fate worse than death...
...at Pete's bucks party when I passed out (not from drinking thank you. I have a condition, alright?) He informed me a couple of days ago that I was under threat of being teabagged. Those of you who know what that is understand the seriousness of the threat. Those of you who don't, trust me, you don't want to know.
Curved Yellow Fruit
I've been reliably informed that this is in fact a non discriminatory appellation used to avoid unwelcome fruit stereotyping. So there.
Kims waterskiing trip on the Hawkesbury
Please redirect all enquiries about that particular lost weekend to Kim. Oh, did I mention she's jumping on a plane to Seattle and on to Alaska on Sunday? For 3 months? Coincidence??
The way we were
It's been very popular and I have a vast stock of images to call on. If any of you folk have something particularly juicy you'd enjoy sharing with the entire world, let me know. In the meantime, more fashion mistakes and dubious hair are on the way next week.