Already a year has blitzed past since the precious came into the world. Friday just past marked her first birthday and we had a small (ha!) gathering of friends and sub-1 meter people on the Saturday following to celebrate.
Apart from the fabulous selection of cake and goodies, it was a chance to compare notes with fellow 1 year veterans and see how it was going. The consensus is not surprisingly, that sleep is a good thing. This was also my first kids birthday party in, oh, say 30+ years. I'd forgotten how much drama can occur!
Oskar was mercifully, not present at the gathering and failed to send his best wishes (as I would expect). Rannveig courageously fought off a stress induced attack of the vapours to pull the show together and make it all an unexpectedly happy event for everyone.
Linnea herself thought the whole thing was a ball and had a great time. Sadly for her she has now discovered the Yin Yang side of life as she had to head off to the health clinic this morning for her regular checkup and innoculations. For someone who screams her head off at the thought of having her face washed, you can only imagine what happened when the Doc wanted to examine her throat. Plus the indignity of jabs. I'm hoping Rannveig's hearing will be back to normal in a week or two.