This should please the variety of cat-o-philes who visit the blog. Judy and Astrid I was thinking of in particular. Myself, I just like the Japanese touch in it.
So where were we? Right, no meaningful communications for nearly a month and half. Well, my news might as well head up the list for today.
It turns 44
The evil day sprang upon me a few weeks back. I tried to keep it all as low key as possible but Rannveig still managed to rustle up some friends to mark the occassion. I should also point out that I finally got to eat the fruit cake that she made for me some months back as part of her project with David and Solveig's wedding cake.
I scored a Billabong top from Mum and Dad (courtesy of the magic of seconds sales in Wollongong...all hail the King and Queen of south coast discount shopping) 500kr in book vouchers from Rannveig for my commuting + an intricate handmade bookmark with pictures of you know who laminated onto it.
Seeing as I managed to get some money up from performing emergency surgery on my former employers website over the holidays, I got myself a prezzie, in the form of a shiny little Creative Zen Touch 20 gig MP3 player for half the price of an iPod. Better sound and a 24 hour battery time to boot. I still so like new toys.
It's proven to be useful lately, as there have been some pretty exciting delays on the train as the leftovers of some tropical hurricanes have been sweeping over us during the last week. Tuesday we actually had to climb out of the carriages between stations and get picked up by an emergency train to get us out when the power on our line was cut. I was thinking the entire time that there must have been one or two American lawyers on the train heading out to the airport (same train, you see) salivating at the thought of damages if anyone got hurt in any way. But no one did. That I know of at any rate. Jeez, that neck of mine is twinging a bit...
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