Well, we decided to finally start getting a proper form of communication together, so a blog it is. Make sure to click on "Comments" and leave your own thoughts here as well. (Easier than sending an email, troooly!)
We will try our best to keep this thing up to date and cover all the fascinating things that happen up here. Especially those of you interested in home renovations (sob! Not again, oh no, not again...)
Rannveig thinks the sun shines out of...hey, that IS the sun shining..

Linnea Clare has just passed 6 months, something that we are both finding a little strange to accept. Soon it will be school backpack, then job, then moving out...
Oskar contemplates his fate

Oskar will shortly be leaving us for an extended visit with his Uncle David and Auntie Solveig back at Munkebakken. Rannveig and Oskar have had a series of creative differences (as in he wasn't too impressed with her creating another person in the house) so for the sake of peace and sanity of all, he will hopefully be returning to his old stomping ground for at least a few months.
Woo hoo - at last we all get a chance to share the lives of our friends in the cool clear North!
I really wish I was with you all at the naming/baptisim. I was glad of the phone but not quite the same.
Happy times gang - hopefully see you all soon again XX
See?? People can use the comments field! Just make sure that you use Other or Anonymous rather than Blogger when you write your comments
Hi there Ashley, Rannveigh and Linnea Clare! 6 Months is a big milestone and Linnea looks very healthy and happy! I am sure you are all fascinating at the opporunity to get to know each other. Kids change so much in the first year it is amazing.
Our kids are Chloe 4.5 yrs, Talia 3 yrs and Saxon 1 yr. Just gorgeous.
Work here still very much the same Ashley. No more IUC and a new system that does the same as Tivoli did being implemented across the org. Same old same old. We are being Directed by Mr Bryant again - yep same one who didn't get the job after he interviewed and promoted me in 1998! Michael has been back for a couple of years now. Jo, Dave and Mark still in CBD and as Grubby as ever! Gaby sits in your spot - he's nice.
Snow sounds nice and cool - we still have up to 30 degrees and its supposed to be autumn! Lovely.
Thanks for the blog - great idea for keeping everyone up to date.
All the best to Linnea for the next big 6 months and beyond!
Warm regards Wallaby-Bob
Hello Rannveig, Linnea Clare and Ashley! Thank you for sharing your blogsite with us and for sharing those absolutely gorgeous photos! Linnea is absolutely beautiful - like your lovely wife! And for 43, you look incredible!
6 months is a wonderful milestone for Linnea and I'm sure there are lots of little ones in between. We'll be eagerly awaiting the next set of photos and details regarding her many accomplishments.
With regard to your current job dilemma. This seems to be a trend for many of us in the technology industry, including myself. I am currently trying to survive through another bank merger and I've experienced everything from job role, title and salary changes to the elimination of a company culture I was proud of. I will definitely keep you in my thoughts and prayers that you will be able to retain your current position, or that something better will come your way. Hopefully the old cliche that when one door closes and another one opens rings true for you.
All the best to you all! Richard & Paul, The Floridaboys
PS I've been blogging for awhile because it is a requirement for my University. My hope is that I will continue to blog even after I've finished my degree.
Most of the Sydney crowd have now left 'sunny Cairn' Pity it rained every single day!
Still they said they had fun and the day they chose to go to the reef was sunny than the rest.
There was much talk of a Phoqaawii reunion and it would depend on the Riddells and the Doherty's as they have the longest walk. When do you next plan to visit Down Under?
The crowd were suggesting 2009 but I will only be there if I am still alive. Truly, who but Arnost could plan 4 years in advance?
On a different topic, have you heard the 2004 JJJ Cd. If not I will copy it so Linnea will no what was being played in Australia the year she was born.
Well that's enough for my first blog. Whatever that is??
Lucky I am anonymous as I didn't check my typing. Pls change:
1. Cairn to Cairns
2. Sunny to Sunnier
3. no to know
As I said in my email, I was learning! I've now found the right spot.I needed to get in my 'cat bias' in amongst all the kiddy comments. Keep Oskar on the site!
Love from Spider and Madge xx
I have to quickly say that the Sydney crowd's visit to Cairns was very good and enjoyed by all.
By my count there were at least 4 non-related original Phoqqawiis present and as such has been given sanction as an official Phoqqawii event - though we did not do scuba, most at least had a snorkel on the reef.
We spent some time discussing the missing and the Norway chapter (and also the US) were mentioned many times. This brings me to the backhand coment from the Cairns girl.
First, I have to say that Kim's hospitality was superb (ie free use of car etc) and as such many thanks are extended.
As to who else but Arnost can plan 4 years ahead? Well... In 2009 it will be the 20th aniversary (YES 20 years) of the Phoqqawiis. I think that this will be a landmark aniversary which may prompt a few people to make the effort (and also give some time to save the pennies).
The other thing is that the second gen kids will be old enough to appreciate something like Herron Island.
Is this not a bad idea?
By the way LC looks like she's doing exceptionally well - enjoy.
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