The little area we live in has been known by this name for years by the locals. The workers who lived here years ago would come home tanned and filthy from their jobs on the whaling ships and there were so many of them living around here that nickname for the area was born. What does it mean? Black-village. Hardly politically correct, but what are you going to do? ;)
Fabulous to see people getting into the spirit of things and using "Comments". We might manage to re-establish a few contacts, not just to us but between each other. A special hello to the hunky boys in Florida, Judy MacG (yes, you will continue to get Oskar news) and the Bimbo from Cairns.
Oskar offers gardening and pruning tips

Click on it for bigger image
Just for Judy, todays pussycat fix. We took this one a few weeks ago when the thaw finally hit and the apple tree needed pruning. Naturally, hairy legs had to be at the centre of the action as usual.Todays safety tip: write down in LARGE letters the date of your wedding anniversary. 11 April came and went without so much as a bat of the eyelid from Rannveig or myself. She reminded me the day after and I think she was as embarrassed as I was. I suspect we aren't getting quite enough sleep these days. Anyway, lucky 13 years it is! I think a picture of those of you who were there will be in order in a day or two.
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