Time flies when you have to get up at 5:45 am most days. 9 short months ago Linnea Clare joined us in the ongoing adventure of keeping the mortgage paid and the fridge full. The corny "you have no idea how much your life will change" mantra that we used to get hammered with has now come to pass.

At least she hasn't been too much of a handfull (so far) for the most part being a real sweetie with her eating and bedtimes. In fact, the only thing that sends her off into purple hysteria is washing her face with a cloth. Given she has eating habits equivalent to most 9 month olds, the necessity of a facial clean following feeding time is self evident. So we seem like good parents except after dinner, when the neighbours think we stripping the skin from her with a rusty knife if the sound is anything to judge by.

She is coming perilously close to crawling forward. At the moment the best she can manage is an unintentional reverse, spinning in circles or rolling over to get to what she wants, but the co ordination for her to shift into the dreaded "Drive" gear is rapidly approaching. The days of wine and roses are abou to end, methinks.
...and 9 months old!

She is enjoying the summer so far. It hadn't been much to write about until a week ago when it kicked in with a vengence. There hasn't been a day under 25 since. Now that we are motivated to get down to the local beach, just down the road from us, we have been down there most mornings and she fairly jumps out of her sunsuit when we get in sight of the stairs down to the water. Someone to inherit the dive gear (if she is into antiques).
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