This is one for the closer family members and friends. I was playing around with Google's new Earth viewer when I decided for the sake of fun to look in on my childhood home in Homebush West.
It makes for grim viewing when all of your childhood haunts have been levelled by bulldozers to build medium density housing. Gone too are all the neighbours places that we used to be in and out of all the time. Internet: a good thing. The things that unrestricted information can show us: not always so good.
Snob - you called it west homebush. The photo says'Flemington'!
I rmember the house .. so in one sense it lives on. And I am sure you have photos.... maybe we can develop a site for Google_past_earth and then show what it used to be like. And Google ancient earth and edit out all the buildings... and Google_future_earth with everything a few shades ggreyer as the polltion increases.
But on a seperate not (and just a bit wider than you shot) is Hudson park Golf course & driving range... where I still go and have a hit (and the course is better) ...and up to the right would be HBHS.. still there with more students and buildings and less grass areas.
But also IN you shot is the house in Arthur St that Steven Jones and his familyused to live in up until about 6 years ago. It's a small google world after all :-)
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