Itsa sound-a and a music-a doofus! Click on the shiny new podcasting fandangle to your right and hear all about the coming trip to the bronzed shores of Oz.
In other news, Emil Oscar is officially christened and is safe from Satans clutches for a few more years. The gathering back at our place was great. Which is just as well considering the amount of work and nervous tension that went into getting it up off the ground. I'll have some pics in a day or two.
By the way, if anyone has tips on travelling with a two year old and a four month old on a very, very long plane journey, we would love to hear from you soon. I've considered using something that would render the imbiber unconscious for the duration, but Rannveig refuses to let me take it and leave her stuck with the work. You ask for just one little thing... ;)
1 comment:
Airplane travelling tips with young kids: you need a) a small laptop or portable DVD player with long hours of batteries + some fav. movies for the 2 year old, books, security blanket or soft toy for sleeping, familiar food if they're fussy and don't like airline chicken nuggets for every meal! The airline gives you colouring-in amusements for kids. b) nothing for the 4 month old: they're easy peasy on a flight (well, compared to a 2 year old)! Changing nappies in 2 square inches of space and turbulence in an airline toilet can be a bit of a patience-tester.
Don't expect to get to watch a whole inflight movie.
See also: http://www.babycenter.com/toddler/toddlertravel/index. One good travel idea I read on this site was bringing a photo book of things the kids know.
If the steward-person forgets to give it to you, ask for the special seat belt for babies (designed for use while sitting in their parents' lap). Takeoff & landing: make sure that both kids are drinking/eating at these times, as it allows them to equalise.
In case a fever hits while travelling: kids paracetemol.
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