Rannveig has reluctantly realised that she is entering the home straight of her maternity leave and is working up the motivation to throw herself back into the working world.
She's also been buying a lot of lottery tickets.
Linnea Clare continues to develop at her own leisurely pace. Her current emerging skills include figuring out all the tricks she can do with her tongue and screaming her pretty little head off when she gets wind of it being bed time. I'm particularly impressed by the screaming, given she puts on an Academy Award worthy performance every evening and makes it sound like we are skinning her alive. Naturally, no tears are involved and all is well within about 10 minutes when she either gets bored with the yelling or decides she needs to give her bear and cow a good talking to.
We have both come to the conclusion that we are suited to a life of idle wealth. Rannveig has reminded me a couple of times that money doesn't buy love, but it can sure buy off a whole lot of stress. My favourite version of that maxim is that you can't buy love, but you can sure rent it at the going rate...but I digress. In any case, we are getting by well enough, but it would be a pleasure for both of us to have secure, meaningful, highly paid, flexitime jobs in close proximity to home.
Rannveig has been a real trouper whilst at home and has been tracking down a child care place for LC. Hopefully, she might have bagged one in the neighbourhood. For you non Norwegians, the state currently has a commitment to 100% child care coverage, which sounds really good, but you might also remember a certain beer loving PM saying that in 5 years time no child would be living in poverty... get the drift? The upshot is that it helps to have an "in" to snag a place somewhere within reasonable distance. Fingers crossed.
1 comment:
I was wondering about the clocks at the start of the blogsite. I can pretty much well figure out who needs the Sydney, Cairns and Tonsberg clocks - but what about the rest?
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