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In a break from showing the tribe members, this unearthed jewel is offered to my ex Homebush comrades. The Teasdale Debate team in our official photograph. It's been Photoshopped to correct the ravages of time and to get rid of Simon's dandruff, a two day job in itself.
We would have won that year except we got ripped off at Fort Street High because we didn't come from a nice enough school. That's my story and I'll stick to it. Nice outfit, Judy!
Simon here , the smiley one on the opposite side to Ashley (who I presume everyone knows).
Thanks for the photoshop touch up .. it was well done... but what about my Tie. Maybe that's why we lost us the finals debate... I couldn't do up my top button. Or maybe the flared trousers.
What is FANTASTIC is that now (many years later) I have managed to see 3 of the other poeple in the photo in the last 2 years. So now I have my task for the next few months .. to catch up with Douglas and then I've got a full set !!!
Ashley... I still have this photo too...and some more from that era.. so be warned.. I too can call up the past. But yours is so much more interesting. Keep it coming !!!
Ciao for now, Simon
Thommo says - based on this photo, who would ave thought that Ashley would have ended up working in IT??
The horror, the horror......
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