Thursday, October 13, 2005
Yet another product not found on English speaking shelves
Another wonderful Norwegian product is the ever reliable Sodd. I suppose the closest thing I can compare it to is the old 'Camp Pie' in a can for those of you who can remember such things. Just keep telling yourself it's soup.
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
Go Fish
This one I've put up just for Kim. Seeing as she spends more than her fair share of time in the
Another product not found on English speaking shelves
Todays little taste of Norway comes via the canned meat section. 'Bog' is in fact a canned ham even though the Norwegian name is much more descriptive of the sound it makes when you remove it from its container.
NOTE: Jennifer (Cooper-White from Tax I assume) put up a comment about 'Stiff' to the effect that the couple on the can were scarier than anything on the label. I was going to make a comment on that myself, but refrained as I kind of dig that whole "Villiage of the damned when they grew up" vibe. ;)
Birthday season
Apart from the fabulous selection of cake and goodies, it was a chance to compare notes with fellow 1 year veterans and see how it was going. The consensus is not surprisingly, that sleep is a good thing. This was also my first kids birthday party in, oh, say 30+ years. I'd forgotten how much drama can occur!
Oskar was mercifully, not present at the gathering and failed to send his best wishes (as I would expect). Rannveig courageously fought off a stress induced attack of the vapours to pull the show together and make it all an unexpectedly happy event for everyone.
Linnea herself thought the whole thing was a ball and had a great time. Sadly for her she has now discovered the Yin Yang side of life as she had to head off to the health clinic this morning for her regular checkup and innoculations. For someone who screams her head off at the thought of having her face washed, you can only imagine what happened when the Doc wanted to examine her throat. Plus the indignity of jabs. I'm hoping Rannveig's hearing will be back to normal in a week or two.
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
Products not to be found on English speaking shelves
I've been meaning to get around to this for some time, but I never seemed to remember to have a camera on me whenever I go to the supermarket (strangely enough).
There is quite a collection of Norwegian products that are, well, rather different in their choice of name. I thought I would begin with one that always makes me smile every time I trundle the trolley past this shelf.
"Stiff" is not a marital aid product, but spray on starch. You know, for a smooth stroke... when ironing clothes, you smut merchants!! Stop sniggering out there! Yes, particularly you, Doherty! Piccles, explain starch and ironing to these juveniles.
Monday, October 03, 2005
Santa's slow reindeer, Venison
Professional Danish Santa Olavi Niikanoff complained to the air force after a reindeer died with fright when a jet roared over the field where his animals were grazing, air force spokesman Captain Morten Jensen told Reuters.
"We acknowledge it was our fault and we have to pay compensation," Jensen said, adding that the air force regularly paid out sums of money to compensate for animals that die of fright when planes boom overhead.
Whinge, whinge, whinge...
Rannveig disagrees, but you can’t buy a decent doughnut here to save your life. Not hot ones, not jam filled ones and certainly no pineapple ones. They have zero flavour (as in not enough sugarsugarsugarsugar) and generally look sad and undernourished. Oh, for a Krispy Kreme (that American problem with spelling again…) outlet here in Oslo, what I wouldn’t give to see that.
Come to think of it, there is a dearth of good quality sticky buns generally. Go to a baker here and you can buy the best bread in the world, no question. But try and get hold of a chocolate éclair or a rum baba or a vanilla slice and you might as well be trying the split the atom with a house brick. It’s not that the locals don’t travel or know about such things, they just don’t DO that sort of thing here. I’m just thankful that the café scene here picked up after we moved so we can at least get good lattes and food.
Oh, you can’t get Berroca. Or Zovirax. Or most other useful, non prescription drugs and potions. The pharmaceutical industry here is very tightly controlled and monitored (a good thing one would think) but the downside is that they lock out an untold number of products for reasons that remain suspiciously clouded in mystery.
This is turning into a rant. I’ll draw a line under it now. I’ll be fair and write a bit about good things that you can get here later.
A shattering weekend
The precious is learning the art of manipulation and psychological torture, bless her. Ever since she became fully self-propelled her expectations of life have increased somewhat. This includes the right of refusal at meal time, NOT being placed on the floor unless with her explicit approval first, no horizontal positions what so ever (making changing her nappies interesting…) and unlimited access to mama and booby. The last two created some challenges when neither mama nor her boobies were present during the weekend.
We survived, but I suspect she has made some mental notes during the weekend that will be used against me sometime in the future when I least expect it. Rannveig received the royal treatment when she saw her this morning, but quickly became “assertive” after I had left. She is developing all too rapidly and I expect will be running the house by this time next year.
Sunday, October 02, 2005
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
NQ Cowboys coach Murray is Beelzebub?
I'm going to do my best to not rant about the Grand Final this week. However, I simply couldn't go past this image that cropped up in the Sydney Morning Herald a couple of days ago. As for the final itself, we need Roy and HG in the dressing room to get the boys to relax, do a bit zen meditation and picture the Cowboys players wearing Manly-Warringah jerseys. Caaaaaarn Weeeesssts!
Something else I never thought I'd live to see
Lordy! It's a week for firsts. After literally hundreds of years of searching, we finally have incontravertable proof of the giant squid (dead bodies don't count, people. Settle.) In true Japanese style, the researchers managed to mutilate the thing to get their pictures, as they hooked it and it eventually tore off it's own tentacle to get away. It'll grow back, but I don't think it would be wise to run into this very pissed off calamari in the near future. More details can be found here at the Herald.
Monday, September 26, 2005
Can lightning strike twice?
What can I say. After a lifetime of waiting, it all happens in the space of a few hours. The swannies win the flag and the Maggies make it to the big one. The dream lives on.
It’s all got me a bit nostalgic for the sunny autumn and winter afternoons back in the mid to late eighties when following my marriage collapse, I fell in with a few of the core folks that would become the Phoqaawiies and we would troop off to the SCG to laugh and Warrick Capper and cheer on the Geoffrey Edelsten owned Swans. How could we forget the Swanettes? Or trophy bride Leanne Edelstens dress sense? (Was pink leather ever in?) Or the day Collingwood came up to play and we had the Magettes behind us (right name, wrong spelling). Ah, the 80’s. So very much to forgive.
Anyway, those red and whites snuck into our hearts in between throwing abuse at Captain Cucumber (as Capper was laughingly referred to back then), so to see them, after all these years finally back on top is more than a little gratifying. Onya Sydneeey!
Funnily enough it’s also got me reflecting on the subtle but dramatic changes that have happened during the last decade. Today I was on the train with my MP3 player, listening to the entire AFL final as called by Roy and HG and trying not to look too much like a goose first thing in the morning by laughing insanely at the call (…it’s just a pile of BUTTOCKS!! BUTTOCKS EVERYWHERE.!! All that’s missing is COX!!) and I remembered my first visit to Norway, back at the outbreak of the first Gulf War. I got my news from Armed Forces Radio in Oslo, or by getting hold of 2 to 3 day old English newspapers. Or tried to tune into Radio Australia on the SW Radio.
Now I can get Roy and HG on a Podcast, download the TV broadcast (eventually) via Bittorrent and read the reports on the web. It’s a different world.
As for the Westies next weekend, I simply can’t bear to think about it too much. Wake me when it’s over. When you grow up supporting Western suburbs, you grow up being used to disappointment.
Thursday, September 22, 2005
Dead blog day
In the meantime, why don’t you take a look at this and think good thoughts? Oh, once again, don’t be easily offended.
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
It was not me, it was the others...
As I mentioned, she objects to my filing system and much prefers her own. She did, however from all the DVDs on the shelves, hand me my copy of 2001: A Space Odyssey, so she can't be completely wrong.
Hectic times at school at the moment, so not much of an entry today. I've got students crawling out of every hole and crack in the building bleating for me to help them. This is as nasty as it sounds. Assignments are due in this week, the photo journalists are getting their Photoshop training, the web-newspaper is getting a fresh section and 70 new articles on Thursday, on and on and on.
Thought for the day. A business that turns away its customers, willfully alienates those who keep them in business and do everything in their power to make sure that they throw away a potential windfall event plus resulting goodwill; it's great to be an NRL administrator!
I am evil
I just thought I would be the first to start creating Christmas countdown stress for you all. Spotting the first Chrissy decorations in the shops is like finding the first blowfly of the summer (aren't they always there?) and I am guessing I might have just shaved in with my contribution before theirs. Maybe.
Monday, September 19, 2005
Can it really be happening?
Just for Kim
Click here to read more about this insane extravagance, which has started to make an impact on the wedding market in the USA (where else!). Hire yourself one of these humungous machines that create an unending fountain of dipping chocolate, insert your feeding tube and max out.
The way we were strikes again
Yikes. I thought I should be fair and subject myself to humiliation before I once again dive into the vaults for incriminating stuff on the rest of you. This was taken at my cousin Vicki's wedding along with me brudda Dennis and his at-that-time-girlfriend (who must remain nameless, cause Linda's hubby probably won't like it much...oops). Gimme a break OK? It was the 80's, I'd just been through a marriage breakup and I was trying new things. Dennis by contrast still looks quite dapper with a suit and tie. In fact this might be the ONLY picture in existence of Dennis with a suit and tie.
Friday, September 16, 2005
Gratuitous Rugby League posting
After living long enough to see the Sydney Kings become the dominant force in the basketball, I’ll believe anything!
Please note the shirt...
This should please the variety of cat-o-philes who visit the blog. Judy and Astrid I was thinking of in particular. Myself, I just like the Japanese touch in it.
So where were we? Right, no meaningful communications for nearly a month and half. Well, my news might as well head up the list for today.
It turns 44
The evil day sprang upon me a few weeks back. I tried to keep it all as low key as possible but Rannveig still managed to rustle up some friends to mark the occassion. I should also point out that I finally got to eat the fruit cake that she made for me some months back as part of her project with David and Solveig's wedding cake.
I scored a Billabong top from Mum and Dad (courtesy of the magic of seconds sales in Wollongong...all hail the King and Queen of south coast discount shopping) 500kr in book vouchers from Rannveig for my commuting + an intricate handmade bookmark with pictures of you know who laminated onto it.
Seeing as I managed to get some money up from performing emergency surgery on my former employers website over the holidays, I got myself a prezzie, in the form of a shiny little Creative Zen Touch 20 gig MP3 player for half the price of an iPod. Better sound and a 24 hour battery time to boot. I still so like new toys.
It's proven to be useful lately, as there have been some pretty exciting delays on the train as the leftovers of some tropical hurricanes have been sweeping over us during the last week. Tuesday we actually had to climb out of the carriages between stations and get picked up by an emergency train to get us out when the power on our line was cut. I was thinking the entire time that there must have been one or two American lawyers on the train heading out to the airport (same train, you see) salivating at the thought of damages if anyone got hurt in any way. But no one did. That I know of at any rate. Jeez, that neck of mine is twinging a bit...
Keith Garret Memorial humour
Keith isn't dead or anything like that. It is just that when I saw this one, my mind immediately leapt back to those balmly days at Tax in the IT section and Keith's refined sense of humour resulting from years of development via reading "The Picture" magazine. (For our American cousins, "The Picture" is what you would get if you mixed together equal parts "Hustler" and "the National Enquirer").
Ladies: It's all just in fun, right?
Gentlemen: Don't laugh too much if the women are around.
Thursday, September 15, 2005
Finally back on the blog!
Good God, has it really been that long?
Well a lot has happened in the last couple of months, so I won’t try and jam it all in one posting. I’ll just have to drip feed you all for a while whilst I catch up.
Yes, summer holidays are over and I would have been back in the blog saddle a lot earlier if it hadn’t been for the unnecessary excitement caused by a lightning strike a few days before I came back to work. My first day back, I was looking forward to easing my way into things after such an extended summer break and parental leave, but no, instead I get courses beginning the very next day and photo laboratory with 9 out of 12 PC’s in smoking ruins. This was just for starters…
In any case, it’s good to be able to complain about having a job in the first place after the extended drama that was my application and wait for confirmation. So I won’t whinge too much. Let’s just say I haven’t been living up to the public servant image for quite a few weeks with hardly a moment to spare. I’ll relive the details another day when I can look back at it and laugh.
Events that will be covered in upcoming blogs:
- Ashley turns 44. Iccky. (
- Linnea approaches 1 year
- Rannveig returns to work (and lives to tell the tale)
- The government in Norway gets the boot to be replaced by…more politicians
All this and so much more coming over the next few days! Make sure that you all check in every couple of days for the latest updates.
Baby news (Yes, you have to read it)
So what was that momemtous first word? Pappa? Da-da? Antidisestablishmentarianism?
Try “Puss” and you would be right. Oskar casts a veeeeeerrry long shadow.
Pretty puss Oskar has returned to his Munkebakken digs in town after his summer vacation by the sea with us. He had a good time by all reports and has settled happily back to his urban routine of eating and sleeping. Which sounds pretty good.
So anyway, Linnea is in day care these days and has nice arrangement with only a few other tots and a very friendly furry pussy cat and a dog. So she is getting plenty of animal exposure but it would be nice if she could at least make an effort with the Da da thing.
Linnea in day care
Seeing as she now has the ability to move around, she has taken to redecorating anything that she can get her mitts on. The DVD collection in particular has taken a hammering as she violently disagrees with my filing system. The pleasures of my system will be made apparant to her in a year or two, but in the meantime I will be indulgent and let her fool herself that filing everything under "F" for floor is a viable solution.
Her first birthday is rapidly approaching, 7th October being only a few weeks away. Hard to believe that a year has already gone by, but then again with the amount of work and sleeping we have been dealing with, hardly too surpisng.
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
Harry Potter and the unfeasably large breasts
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
Times change
This is one for the closer family members and friends. I was playing around with Google's new Earth viewer when I decided for the sake of fun to look in on my childhood home in Homebush West.
It makes for grim viewing when all of your childhood haunts have been levelled by bulldozers to build medium density housing. Gone too are all the neighbours places that we used to be in and out of all the time. Internet: a good thing. The things that unrestricted information can show us: not always so good.
Oksar's summer holiday
Just checking in with another summer blog posting. Oskar is spending a few weeks with us enjoying the pleasures of our little beachside community. Actually, he has been getting doses of worm medicine, anti tick and flea treatments and a good brushing. He might just start enjoying his holiday now that the rigours of body maintenance have been completed.
David and Solveig having tied the knot have flown the coop to Italy, leaving the puss with us once again. Being a few months since we last saw him here, Linnea is delighted and has been motivated enough to begin crawling in order to make grabs at him. Considering the potential for personal harm, he has been pretty sanguine about it thus far. I'm just hoping not to hear the bloodcurdling sound of a deafening yowl followed by prolonged screaming.
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
Evening Classes for Men ONLY
Note: due to the complexity and level of difficulty, each course will accept a maximum of eight participants
The course covers two days, and topics covered in this course include:
Step by step guide with slide presentation
Roundtable discussion
Practicing with hamper (Pictures and graphics)
Debate among a panel of experts.
Losing the remote control to your significant other - Help line and support groups
Starting with looking in the right place instead of turning the house upside down while screaming - Open forum
Group discussion and role play
PowerPoint presentation
Real life testimonial from the one man who did
Driving simulation
Online class and role playing
Relaxation exercises, meditation and breathing techniques
Bring your calendar or PDA to class
Individual counsellors available
English humour
These are actual classified newspaper ads:
FREE YORKSHIRE TERRIER. 8 years old. Hateful
little dog. Bites
FREE PUPPIES: 1/2 Cocker Spaniel, 1/2 sneaky
neighbor's dog.
FREE PUPPIES... Part German Shepherd, part stupid
FREE GERMAN SHEPHERD 85 lbs. Neutered. Speaks German.
FOUND DIRTY WHITE DOG. Looks like a rat ... been out a while..better be a reward.
COWS, CALVES: NEVER BRED. Also 1 gay bull for sale.
NORDIC TRACK $300 Hardly used, call Chubby
GEORGIA PEACHES, California grown - 89 cents lb.
JOINING NUDIST COLONY! Must sell washer and dryer $300
and finally, the best one;
FOR SALE BY OWNER: Complete set of encyclopedia Britannica. 45 volumes. Excellent condition. $1,000 or best offer. No longer needed, got married last month. Wife knows everything.
Arctic adventures with Kim
Hello from the Bering Sea,
Apologies for the group email and if you are offended to hear news of me this way, please hit delete now, and write to me personally and I promise to respond. However, if you are not offended, read on..
Does her bum look big in this? Add your comments!
I have been away from home for just over two months now and life onboard the Spirit of Oceanus is running at the usual 100 mph. Since leaving Seattle in early May and heading north to Alaska, we have had fairly sensational but unseasonal weather. In fact I am in danger of returning home from Alaska with a tan. The hot weather has sent everything off to an early start with flowers blooming and animals active much earlier than usual.
I have had so many wildlife highlights I would bore you to tears describing them all but I guess my close up with bears in Geographic Harbour is a hard day to beat. Geographic Harbour, even without the bears, is an awesome bay with towering columnar basalt and mountain peaks still laden with ash from an eruption almost 100 years ago. We managed our zodiac tours to coincide with the low tide and over a 3 hour period we saw at least 14 bears up close and personal. My favourite was a brown bear that swam in front of my zodiac for about 5 minutes (only 20 m away) and climbed out onto a small island, shook himself, climbed a small rock formation for the perfect photo and then disappeared.
I also witnessed a harbour seal pup being born on a rock somewhere in the Shumigan Islands. It was an unplanned spectacle that became part of my beachcombing walk on Unga Island. Not too long after that I saw my first Gray whales (I have seen so many now, they barely get a mention) and my latest big 'wow' was in a scout boat with just the Staff Captain, Ivan, the Pilot, Mike and myself. We couldn't do our planned landing because of the pack ice still being 3 miles wide off the coast (Russian Far east) so we went exploring. While cruising along the coast of a nearby island that didn't have any ice, we came across 6 humungous walrus lying on the beach. Two of them were spooked immediately and went straight into the water. We backed away quietly and left the rest on the beach. We then continued around the corner and came across a grizzly bear munching on a carcass on the beach. It was also spooked by the engine and went galloping off into the distance at great speed. We guessed from the reaction of these animals that hunting by motor boat was fairly common in this area. Unfortunately by the time we went back to get the passengers the walrus had also gone.
This cruise has taken me to the Far East of Russia, an extremely isolated part of the country that has no roads leading to it. Air and sea are the only options for transport. We cleared into the Port of Providenya, a former military base in the 1950's with a former population of 55,000. It now has 2000 people and looks like a large ghost town or perhaps how some towns looked just after they had been bombed in WWII. Everything is crumbling or has been smashed to rubble. The surrounding mountains are also naturally crumbling into small rocks so it seems hard to realise where the mountains start and the town begins. Despite the bleak appearance, all the people I met seemed very vibrant and I got to visit an excellent museum and see a great cultural dancing show put on by the local children.
We then jumped into giant 4WD trucks and journeyed across a mountain pass to New Chaplino a Siberian U'pik community just 16 miles away. The drive took an hour, as Russian roads are exactly how you would expect them to be. The pack ice was still in the bay on the other side but melting fast. It was extraordinary seeing the reflection of the surrounding snow covered mountains on the pools in the pack ice. Again despite this mainly subsistence village being obviously very poor, they were extremely friendly and dedicated to their culture. We saw summer dog sledding and some great dancing and witnessed a few of the competitive sports of the Eskimo games.
It has been very hard for me to buy a souvenir of my visit as most items for sale are made from endangered marine mammals but I think I found the perfect thing. I bought a set of nestling wooden Russian Dolls painted in the likeness of the past presidents of Russia. I have a tiny little Stalin right in the middle. It was so tacky I couldn't help myself and I am sure it will continue to make me smile for many years to come.
On this cruise I also got to cross the Arctic Circle. I have cruised above it before in Greenland but never sailed across it. I did it in grand style crossing the dateline at the same time. Some foolhardy passengers ran under a fire hose being pumped directly from the ocean before hopping in to the spa to commemorate the occasion but I thought better of it.
Tomorrow we are in Dutch Harbour. America's 4th largest fishing port, having said that there is not a lot else there but an interesting place none the less. I have about one more month to go and then I return home to Cairns (23 July). As much as I love my job I am really looking forward to going home. In my last 7 years of travelling I have always missed home and looked forward to returning, however, I have never felt that anybody missed me terribly even though my friends always seemed pleased to see me back (I think?). However, things have changed for me in the last year or so and I look forward to coming home more than ever.
I haven't officially told everybody yet but I guess this email is a start. Early this year I moved in with Ken. K2 (my cat) and I now have a new residence and share a house with two 16 year old boys (Patrick and Nick), a red heeler (Cassie) and of course Ken. It is a reasonably happy mix, although I would be lying if I said we didn't all have an 'adjustment' period.
Monday, July 11, 2005
Cakes, roses and islands
With the summer holidays in full swing, you would think that we would have a bit of time to draw breath and reflect on things. Nothing could be further from the truth. David and Solveig, our former neighbours from Munkebakken, finally tied the knot a few days ago after co habitating for nigh on a decade and a half. Rannveig in a fit of generosity offered to make the wedding cake with barely a little more than a week to get it all together. We are talking about the full on rich fruit cake here, normally a 3 to 6 week project plus at least a couple of months for the cognac to do its magic in the fruit mix.
One rich fruit cake as ordered in a matter of days
The assembly and preparation of the mixture took a few days as the rich fruit cake is not exactly what you could call a traditional Norwegian dish. Some frantic long distance phone calls to mum in Austinmer to solve some of the technical problems with icing, a few late nights and a sprinkling of bad language later, Rannveig's labours bore fruit (so to speak).
The final result...another Rannveig triumph!
I'm endlessly impressed by the good lady wifes ability to take on such culinary projects without previous experience, no time margin for error and the threat of disaster looking over her shoulder and still come out of it smelling like a rose every time. David and Solveig were suitably impressed and we could finally relax a little.
We visited Kristin and her kids at their holiday hut (hytte in Norwegian) a ways to the south from us. The weather had just started to turn to real summer and we got our first inkling that the water might be warm enough to dunk our large, but majestically hydrodynamic bodies into. From then on in its been beach, beach, beach...island?
Our girl has fine taste in life saving accessories
Yes, island. The fjord here is scattered with small to medium large islands, most suitable for finding a piece of beach or rock and setting up for the day with a picnic and some coldies. Lars Peter and Hanne, friends of ours here in Tønsberg have a very flash runabout and kindly invited us to share the day with them last weekend as they went in search of a perfect piece of island.
It took a while and with two babies and a toddler along for the ride, a little bit of creative juggling, but we found ourselves enjoying the blazing sunshine out in the fjord from a scenic island. Just as a final little twist, we got to see some wildlife up close and very personal... a mink! They seem to like living under rocks next to the shoreline and are prodigous swimmers, going from island to island in the summer and using any ice floes that may form during the winter. Not in the least bit shy, the little bugger flew straight past us on the beach as he made a beeline for his home on the other side of the rocks.
Baby update: 9 months already
Time flies when you have to get up at 5:45 am most days. 9 short months ago Linnea Clare joined us in the ongoing adventure of keeping the mortgage paid and the fridge full. The corny "you have no idea how much your life will change" mantra that we used to get hammered with has now come to pass.
At least she hasn't been too much of a handfull (so far) for the most part being a real sweetie with her eating and bedtimes. In fact, the only thing that sends her off into purple hysteria is washing her face with a cloth. Given she has eating habits equivalent to most 9 month olds, the necessity of a facial clean following feeding time is self evident. So we seem like good parents except after dinner, when the neighbours think we stripping the skin from her with a rusty knife if the sound is anything to judge by.
She is coming perilously close to crawling forward. At the moment the best she can manage is an unintentional reverse, spinning in circles or rolling over to get to what she wants, but the co ordination for her to shift into the dreaded "Drive" gear is rapidly approaching. The days of wine and roses are abou to end, methinks.
...and 9 months old!
She is enjoying the summer so far. It hadn't been much to write about until a week ago when it kicked in with a vengence. There hasn't been a day under 25 since. Now that we are motivated to get down to the local beach, just down the road from us, we have been down there most mornings and she fairly jumps out of her sunsuit when we get in sight of the stairs down to the water. Someone to inherit the dive gear (if she is into antiques).
Summer holidays
Yes, the blog has been in a serious holding pattern for a while. The reason is simple. Summer has come to Scandanavia, 25 to 30 degree days that last for close to 20 hours and we are out and about at the beach, in the garden, just about anywhere that isn' t in front of an LCD panel!
So forgive us for lax posting, but we just aren't going to be too motivated to send out blog updates while the weather holds. Once the weather goes to crap, we'll be back with a more regular routine. In the meantime, I'll send out a general alert email when anything genuinely exciting happens.
In the meantime, enjoy the sight of the precious as she discovers the delights of being able to use a bucket as a plunge pool. It turns out that she is a bit of a water nymph, so some of the parents Phoqaawii genes have transferred. We are taking her to the beach most days at the moment and she screams in delight when she gets into the water (unlike her father who just screams). Current water temperature: 23 degrees. I can hear Kim nodding in sympathy from her Zodiac somewhere above the arctic circle.
Wednesday, June 22, 2005
Let's get back on the case
Time flies when you are desperately scratching around the home and office. In answer to the questions;
- Yes, I am now fully and gainfully employed by HiO (yay).
- From today, I am on parental leave to take care of Linnea and my increasingly stressed darling
- Oskar is now a very slimline model following his Osama Bin Laden disappearing trick, but is otherwise OK and working hard to put the beef back on
- Summer seems to have finally arrived and the temperature is regularly above 20 degrees C.
The lawn has to mowed, we all know and accept this axiom of quarter acre ownership. However, living in the far North delivers its own interesting twist. When you have plenty of rain, followed by, let's say, 20+ hours of sunshine every day, it tends to grow a bit quicker than you folk at lower latitudes are used to.
After a session on Saturday with the mower and weeder that the groundskeeper at the SCG would have been proud of , you can imagine my joy to discover that by Tuesday it looks like it needs to be done all over again. If it's not f@%!ing snow that has to be shovelled, it's f@%!ing grass that has to be cut!!
Friday, June 17, 2005
Oskar lives!
Knowing the too curious puss all too well, I will assume that he has once again managed to get himself locked into a garage somewhere. As people are taking off on summer holidays at this time of year, this could be a potentially fatal game he is playing. You try talking to them, but do they listen...?
Tuesday, June 14, 2005
You call this winter...?
Courtesy of Mr Piccles, in an all too successful attempt to breed envy and discontent among the ex-pats. Article in the Herald yesterday (click here) explained that the waterways in Sydney Harbour are now as good as they have been in well over a century with a massive return of wildlife. Penguins, whales, dolphins, sharks, sponges, crabs are all returning in numbers and thriving. Even the water rat (the native one with webbed feet and white tipped tail) are back.
We actually saw one down by Luna Park early one morning back when we were still avid runners, so we must have been among the very first to see the things, if the details in the report are to be believed.
Oskar takes a powder yet again
It seems Oskar is determined to bring grief into the lives of those that care about him. David reports that he has now done another vanishing act, this time he has been AWOL for nearly a week.
Rannveig will be in town this afternoon on unrelated business, but will be taking a quick tour around some of Oskar's stomping grounds to see if she can flush him out. Bad puss!
Once upon a time there were two people...
Looks like the reunion was a success despite not all members of the tribe being present (and a couple of ring-ins making an appearance). Have to say it gang, we aren't the best ad in the world for global hunger any more! Congrats to Mel and Pete, by the way. Yet another tribe member is under construction.
By the way, has anyone noticed the spooky way Fran hasn't changed since the first day we met her?
Monday, June 13, 2005
It's in the bag!
The other, more highly ranked candidates have dropped out of the race as they got better jobs or used the offer on my job as a negotiating chip in their current positions (my theory).
This now means that the chances of Rannveig, Linnea Clare and myself being out on the street dodging snow drifts has been greatly reduced. Now we just have to finance the renovations, the 4000+ per month for the private day care... oh, my achin' back...
Anyway, no way am I going to put a damper on it! This is undiluted good news and a hamburger and coke (bubbly and sugary, not the other) will be purchased today in celebration of this historic event...for the first time in nearly 3 years, I will be gainfully employed FULL time once again! With public service benefits!! Oh, sweet, happy day!
Friday, June 10, 2005
Especially for our American cousins
Read Mr. Cleese's thoughts on the matter.
Tuesday, June 07, 2005
8 months today
Time flys by when you hardly get any sleep. Linnea Clare celebrates 8 months of being Norwegian today. She has acquired a couple of new teeth (much to Rannveigs joy/horror) a brand new car seat and her very own tripp trapp high chair to officially join us at the fancy eatin' table, so she can enjoy her mush whilst we dig into real food.
By a coincidence, today also marks the 100th anniversary of the dissolution of the Swedish-Norwegian union. Not that the Swedes wanted to dissolve it of course and for a while the armies were facing each other off before someone in a rare moment of common sense on the Swedish side said "bugger this for a game of dominoes, they can have it if they want it that badly..." and the armies turned about and when home. War the way it should be.
If only they'd known about all the offshore oil back then. Might have all turned out very differently. We'd be speaking Swedish, eating the worlds worst bread and have a complete knucklehead for a King. Then again we would have very nice roads, no tollways, the worlds most advanced social support net and a parliament that actually gets things done. Hmmm.
In any case, hurra, hurra, hurra! ;)
As promised, a suitable retort to the "stereotype" picture posted earlier. Personally, I think it's a little unfair to say that men are that dumb, because you should notice that the mouse is a two button mouse...(you know, we are more technically competetant than your typical Mac user!)
I thought about the folks at Tax when I ran into this one. Don't ask me why, I can't even begin to explain why they would pop into my head at the sight of it. Actually, it does need a third button, "Place bets".
Pix from our readers
I've been steadily getting some nice pictures from some of you, so I thought the time had come to share them around a bit. This may also encourage some of you to strike up an online conversation and then go freeloading at some of the exotic destinations many of us can be found.
Sue McDonald is one of Rannveigs school mates from Randwick tech when she was studying to become a dental technician. These days as you can see, Sue and her bloke William call the fabulous North coast of New South Wales home. Pictures like this do give me a twinge I have to admit. Marty, make sure you enjoy your trip to Oz mate, time is short.
Job news. The saga continues.
This ringing declaration of encouragement is being treated with the deep mistrust it deserves and I'm not getting my hopes up. It pays to be a pessimist. The worst that can happen is that what you expected (disappointment, rejection, humiliation, impotence, madness, suicide, etc.) comes to pass, otherwise everything is an unexpectedly pleasant surprise.
The mystery that is woman
Friday, June 03, 2005
Ooooww...that light sabre really hurts!
Yessss... see it here. Seeing as there has been a little Star Wars bashing going on in the comments pages, why not take a look at the 6 minute alternative to Lucas's epic? By the way, the pregnancy test scene is not for the easily offended. You have been warned.
Go over the the dark side here
Kim shows class
Kim fired this one off to me the other day during one of her brief onshore spells. In celebration of Norwegian national day, the passengers and her good self decided to dress inappropriately and attack the Alaskan shoreline. Actually they were visiting a town that has a celebration for 17th of May due to the resident folk of Norwegian descent. (Please note, the extra helmets required no fastening devices to stay fixed to Kims...assets.)
Kim at Sea
Wednesday, June 01, 2005
Minor work developments
This should all come to a head at the general staff meeting in a couple of days. I'll be in attendance and I'm looking forward to seeing the lid blow off this pressure cooker (in a totally non selfish, unbiased, not at all bitter kind of way of course).
On the town
Rannveig and LC joined me for the commute yesterday so they could get in some serious cafe hopping with Cathinka in Oslo. Whilst I slugged it out in the office, the ladies swanned around town getting high on sugar and caffeine.
Rannveig snapped this one as Linnea Clare discovered the joys of a balloon for the very first time at T.G.I. Friday's whilst Cat and Rannveig tucked into burgers.
Tuesday, May 31, 2005
Oskar returns
David reports that following second breakfast, Oskar retired to the master bedroom to sleep (probably with all four legs straight up in the air because he ate so much.)
Wisdom never goes out of date
-Mark Twain
Monday, May 30, 2005
Not pretty even then
This one is courtesy of Mr Khun, again from the infamous surrealist dive trip trip in April 94. It's been a while since Kim had her spot up here and seeing as she has recently celebrated her birthday whilst out at sea dodging icebergs and stroppy tourists, I thought it was time to mark the occasion.
We should be getting back on track with regular blog entries now that May is coming to a close. So, what's happening with my work I hear you all asking? Don't ask me! The mills of personnel doth grind slowly and exceedingly small. Still no word as I enter the last weeks of my contract. Beyond a joke, I know, but that's the way it is. More on this another day.
Rannveig has at least achieved something concrete for us all by securing a nanny for the preciousssss. Sadly, my good lady wife will be returning to the salt mines very soon and with my job situation the way it is, we have to have the contigency plans in place should we find both of ourselves in a workplace. In any case, LC needs a kindergarten of some sort to get a chance to socialise and spit up on someone else for a change.
Oskar news: David sent me an SMS today asking if I know of any regular haunts that Oskar hangs out at. He's went out on Saturday afternoon and hasn't come back yet. (Oskar, not David)
Given that Rannveig saw Oskar lounging around the local reception hall's back garden and doing his slutty best to charm anyone who came within range during Saturday afternoon, I'm not exactly in panic mode. Probably been temporarily adopted, locked into a garage (he'll never learn) or found his way to some location that he shouldn't be in, one of his great talents.
Many of us worry about the puss, so I keep you all up to date with developments.
Tuesday, May 24, 2005
The way we...are?!
I've been meaning to get this one up for a while. Martin and family will be making the crossing to Oz next month. Apart from a general thickening, (something that seems to have happened to a few of us) the carrot top seems remarkably uneffected (unaffected? Grammerphiles, please let me know) by the passage of time. Daughter Emily and Martin are seen here at Krispy Kreme, just seconds before he created serious trust issues with his girl.
Those of you who don't know about Krispy Kreme, it's a huge chain of doughnut stores based in the states and now beginning to spread to other lands. I had the good fortune getting a boxed dozen courtesy of my darling wife when she came back from a hit and run trip to London a year or so ago. The sugar levels are toxic and the fat levels are probably carcenogenic, but mmmmmmmmmmm....doough-nuuuts...
Lawn lemmings
Finally, a genuine sunny day arrived in Tønsberg. At this point the lawn was starting to resemble the Kokoda trail, so out came the lawn mower from its winter hibernation. Even though the thing is effectively brand new, being used only once just before winter closed in (with some help from Mr Piccles) an extended battle of wills was required to get the thing started. Whoever designed the "easy start pull cord" should have the skin stripped from their body. Very slowly.
Rannveig and Astrid swap photo tips
Anyway, there I am out on the lawn, living the 50's dream, wife in the kitchen preparing dinner and minding the baby, me manfully pushing through the bush hoping not to run into any bears hiding in the grass (it was really long) when an interesting thing happened. The neighbours to our left emerged from their asbestos clad palace, plugged in their electric mower and started to cut the grass. Not long after, the neighbour across the street did the same. Then the guys next to him. Then the neighbour on our right. A quick survey around the block tells me that no less than 6 households in an ever widening circle from our own felt compelled to get out there.
Astrid, Kjetil and Mabel ready for 17th May
Now, is it just a coincidence? I can't say I'm used to this suburban scenario yet, Rannveig tells me it has more to do with the sun coming out than anything else, but I don't know. I pulled out our freshly purchased whipper snipper a while later just to test it and blow me down, two neighbours emerge with their whipper snippers not long after. This has the makings of an interesting behavioural science study. I'll try dancing on the lawn naked with a sheet tied around my neck and a Batman mask on to see what happens.
Sunday, May 22, 2005
Spring arrives
Rannveig roused on me a bit for not showing off some of the Spring flowers in Tønsberg, so here they are. The forest floors get carpeted in these little white flowers during early Spring and can often be seen poking their way out of snow covered ground when they get enthusiastic.
It really goes berserk...
The party only lasts for a couple of weeks before they disappear, but it means that Spring really is here.
Saturday, May 21, 2005
The red room
I thought I might just gradually share out some pictures from our trip over the next few days. Guro (sleeping) Helge and Rannveig make up 3 of the 4 Kittilsen siblings and are seen here enjoying a rare moment of peace and quiet. This is the "fancy" room at Ringebu, painted in what are considered very traditional colours for the style of house. Maria is keeping LC entertained as usual.
LC dolled up for 17th May
Rannveig had a fine time dressing up her baby doll for 17th of May. The bonnet was particularly dressy. Personally, I think the flashy dummy had just the right amount of post modern savoir fare to give LC an even sharper look.
Friday, May 20, 2005
Back from the mountains at last
The rush of the May holidays are over. We had a great time in Ringebu and Lillehammer visiting, watching the parade and eating and drinking more than we should. Thanks to Astrid, Kjetil, Joe, Kirsti & family and of course Rannveigs mum for making it such a good time. Those of you expecting pictures of me in my monkeysuit will be again disappointed. Seeing as I was taking most of the photos, it's difficult to get myself in there. I've also noticed that we have thusfar failed to manage a simple family portrait of ourselves.
The fun one can have with a pillow
Another milestone for us was that LC took her first extended trip away from her regular cafes and watering holes here in Tønsberg, by trekking up to the hills with us. Good as gold for the most part, but she was high as a kite coming home and refused to sleep for all but the last hour of the 3 1\2 hours it took to drive back. Another less savoury milestone is that she finally seems to have discovered the joy of bowel movements and is making up for lost time. The price you pay for solid foods.
National day 17th of May, Lillehammer
For those of you not up on the Norwegian celebration of their national day, it might well be unique in the world of jingoistic celebrations. It's defining feature is that the big parade has lots of local marching bands but the participants are school children. No army, no floats, no air force flyovers. Just normal kids waving their flags and for a bit of extra colour, the graduating year of high school students called Russ who have an extended muck up day of close to a month, with 17th of May being the high point. Then they go have their exams. Yee haah!